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Company news

We are pleased to present the new platform, www.sika-instruments.asia ! As a global player, we are setting another milestone. With this step, we are…

Company news

Yesterday we had our International Sales Meeting (ISM) at SIKA - an inspiring day full of ideas, strategies and innovations!

Company news

We made our premises available for a disaster control exercise. This was organised by the German Red Cross.

Company news

Teamwork makes the dream work! We have made it! With great enthusiasm and team spirit, we took part in the Kassel Marathon again this year - with a…

Company news

Today we are hosting an exciting health day, which we have organized together with BARMER. A special highlight is the Balance Check, which measures…

News-step files; Man in lab looking at files on computer
Company news

Customers can now download step files of some of our products directly from the website. This extension has been developed to facilitate design and…

News; man on bicycle riding down street with the graphic 8.487 kilometer in background
Company news

An impressive 8.487 Kilometer - our SIKA Funbiker team covered this distance from 6 May to 26 May 2024 as part of the CITY CYCLING campaign!

News-TP Basic Marine; man walking towards a cargo ship
Product innovations

With the new TP Basic Marine temperature calibrator, SIKA is once again setting a milestone in maritime calibration technology. More compact, lighter…

News-automation line
Company news

This is a major step in expanding the production capacity for our high-quality vortex flow sensors.

News-VVX Low Delta P
Product innovations

✅ Even lower pressure drop

✅ For highly efficient heat pumps

✅ Used by leading manufacturers

News-ISO 9001; hand with a certification icon
Company news

We have successfully completed our ISO 9001:2015 recertification! A milestone that we have now reached for the ninth time.

TP OS-Update
Product announcements

We would like to share particularly good news with you today: A new software version of our calibrator operating system TP OS is now available.

Company news

The history of the SIKA company in the Technology Museum

SIKA Construction Site; Man writing on blueprints
Company news

After extensive planning, our construction project to expand production capacity in Kaufungen is entering the next phase.

Product innovations

The only temperature calibrators equipped with an OPC-UA interface as standard.

Product innovations

Signal output from 0,8l/min - quality "Made in Germany"

Product innovations

Our new Temperaturesensors with IO-Link

SIKA Turbinen-Durchflusssensoren Typ VTY15 – Speziell entwickelt für den Einsatz in elektrischen Wohnungsübergabestationen
Product innovations

The new SIKA turbine flow sensor type VTY15

Product innovations

The new SIKA room condition monitor RCM 880 for machine rooms.

Company news

As a result of the worldwide increase in demand, the prices of raw materials, electronics and chemical products have risen enormously in recent…

SIKA InduQ VMZ.2 - Magnetisch induktiver Durchflusssensor
Product innovations

VMZ.2 – Now available with the optional Hastelloy® and analogue output signal of 4…20 mA

Press releases

SIKA measuring technology for district heating stations.

SIKA InduQ VMI - Magnetisch induktive Durchflusssensoren
Product innovations

Reliable measurement of the smallest flow rates in dosing applications

Temperatur kalibrieren mit den Premium SIKA Temperaturkalibratoren
Press releases

Calibration schedule: Reliably checking the unavoidable drifting of temperature sensors.

Die neuesten Premium Temperaturkalibratoren von SIKA - Zeit sparen durch automatische Kalibrierung
Press releases

Calibrate in the temperature range from -55...700 °C

Die neuen SIKA Vortex-Durchflusssensoren VVX32 und VVX40 - gefertigt aus Messing oder Edelstahl
Product innovations

SIKA Vortex VVX32 & VVX40 – the clever solution for HVAC and industrial applications

Trockenblock-Temperaturkalibrator TP 37700E.2 - erweiterter Temperaturbereich bis 700°C und als Variante TP 37700E.2i mit integriertem Messinstrument
Product announcements

Dry block temperature calibrator TP 37700E.2

Mobile Temperaturkalibratoren mit riesigem Kalibriervolumen - Die neuen SIKA TP 37450E.2 und TP 37450E.2i
Product innovations

The new TP 37450E.2 temperature calibrator from SIKA