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Trust through transparency

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SIKA is an independent, globally active company and bears corporate responsibility towards its employees, its business partners, society and the environment. This includes ensuring that the entire SIKA Group complies with applicable laws at all times and in all places, respects fundamental ethical values and acts sustainably. Human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption are principles to which we are fully committed. We expect each and every individual to act responsibly and with integrity.

Electronic whistleblowing system

When something goes wrong, it is right to speak up. We would like to encourage you to give us tips on possible wrongdoings in the company in order to stop violations and improve ourselves. Everyone can help to protect our company and our employees. Use our electronic whistleblower system.

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You can use the link to place your tip verbally or in writing. Your tip will be received and processed outside the SIKA network by an external compliance officer, confidentially or anonymously if you wish.